Don’t waste that dead Ginger Bug

Once in a while you are going to find that your Ginger Bug is no longer fermenting and whatever you do it will no revive. In days gone by I would have just scrapped it but now I think differently. If you think that there is a lot of flavour still in that Ginger Bug even though it’s no longer fit for it’s original purpose.

Nowadays I separate the solids from the liquid. Put the solids in the dehydrator and when dried, grind it down to a powder to use for flavouring. the liquid is boiled down with some extra sugar to make a delicious ginger syrup.

Put the strained ginger solids on a tray or parchment paper in a dehydrator until it is completely dry and brittle. Leave to cool a little, but not too long or it will start to get damp and sticky. Remember, it’s been soaking in a sugar solution for a long time.

When cool, grind down in a grinder or a pestle and mortar. Put in a dry jar with a tight lid straight away.

Put the stained liquid in a clean saucepan and add 1/2 cup of sugar per pint. It might sound a lot put you’re not going to use a lot at a time. Stir until dissolved and then bring to the boil. Simmer until the liquid becomes syrupy. The longer you simmer it the thicker it will get. Don’t forget, it will also thicken as it cools so allow for that.

Leave to cool slight and put in a clean, sterilised jar and seal immediately.



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